Thursday, April 27, 2006

breathe in, breathe out

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
- arnold bennet -
so it's started to hit me.

last night, i was in the SAC. i had date time with abbie which was supposed to be followed by consecutive date with megs. meg and kay and doug came in from rehearsal and plopped down on the fantastic rug that seems to have been permanently left in the gee (and i love it). they ordered a pizza. within 10 minutes, there was a group of 10 delightful people gathered around, shamelessly mooching off of their culinary purchase. and it was great. and as i sat there, i realized that this will not happen again in my life. i will never experience something like that after college.

in new york, it will take quite a bit of organization to get 10 friends (and i feel i should mention that i will be feel BLESSED to even have 10 friends. please God, let me make friends) together for a casual evening. it won't ever be "casual" again. it will take work and effort and planning. things like that won't just happen.

and i love things like that. i love people. i love the people at GCC. they are wonderful. i love college. i love the college life of little sleep, poor dietary habits and reckless abandon of anything healthy. i love living in a dorm full of incredible women; no matter what time it is, one of whom will definitely be awake and ready to talk. i love our theatre. i love the Little Theatre especially. i like being able to use my gifts daily. i like being challenged. i like challenging other people.

i just caught up on my blog reading and was really struck by katie's post about moving to a new place and knowing absolutely no one. i don't know what that would be like. i've always known someone. in elementary school, high school, college. what would it be like to not know anyone? new york city was lonely last summer. big cities always are, especially at first. there are millions of people surrounding you and you begin to realize that not a single one of them cares if you are alive.

i've been overwhelmed this week at how many people care about me. how many people are praying for me. how many people stop me on the sidewalk and ask about my recent health problem. that's incredible to me. incredible. i'm going to miss that too; that feeling of community that is so real and tangible here.

whew. this feels sad to write about. and i'm genuniely excited about graduation and pursuing all the things i've always wanted to do and going all the places i've always wanted to be. but it's still a bit overwhelming.

Monday, April 24, 2006

sleepin' on the foldout

[note: the following illustration is shamelessly inspired by miss kayla, who gave a stunning audition for Children's Theatre 2005, where she re-enacted one of the most dramatic moments in television history]

i am jessie spano (sp?) from saved by the bell.

particularly in that fateful episode where jessie takes the caffeine pills and dances around to that horrible 80's song in her leg warmers and brightly colored spandex top.

though, when i put it that way, i guess i'm not at all like her as i 1) do not take caffeine pills (except for that one horrible, much regretted night last semester) and 2) i don't own any brightly colored spandex (anymore).

but i am suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder. or i think i am. or i might be. on friday, i had an "episode" after dinner and it was repeated (in milder forms) on saturday and this morning. we don't know why. but i think it's stress.

frankly, this should be the least stressful semester of my life. i am the least involved i've ever been. i have nothing going on right now except one acts and spring queen-ness (both of which are enjoyable to say the least). i had a wonderful easter break, spent with my even more wonderful boyfriend. i'm going to have a delighful summer. sometime in the not so distant future i'm going to pursue a career doing something i will love.

sounds delighful, right? it is. but i think graduation, though thrilling in so many senses, is also scary and a bit intimidating. and that, combined with a diet of only chicken and very little to no sleep, has manifested itself in dizzy episodes.

so monica is going to sleep more. and eat fruits and veggies. and take vitamins. and perhaps take up a sport (or NOT . . . but i do enjoy a visit to the gym now and then). and all will be well.

right? right. =)

in other news, delightful day of joel's birthday-ness yesterday. did you know that pittsburgh is home to a National Aviary (that's birds, not planes). you should go and experience the thrill of birds eating out of your hand and the always real possibility of bird droppings landing on your head at any moment.

exciting weekend ahead . . . joel's senior engineering presenation + half of ADEL formal + semi-annual dinner at bravo's + gala + several bridal showers + senior recital.

when i wake in the morning and my mom lets out a warning
and i think i'll never make it on time
by the time i grab my books and i give myself a look
i'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by
it's all right (cause we're saved by the)
it's all right (cause we're saved by the)
it's all right (cause we're saved by the)
cause we're saved by the bell

when the teacher pops a test, i know i'm in a mess
cause my dog ate all my homework last night
riding low in my chair, she won't know that i'm there
if i can hand it in tomorrow, it will be all right
it's all right (cause we're saved by the)
it's all right (cause we're saved by the)
it's all right (cause we're saved by the)
cause we're saved by the bell . . . . yeah!

Monday, April 17, 2006

live like you were dyin'

i am back from break.

to recap:

highlights include:
  • water exercise class led by joel's mom (where she kept introducing me as his "classmate" until i told her that i was really quite comfortable being his girlfriend)
  • grandma maureen at my house for a surprise easter visit
  • double date with joel's grandpa and his girlfriend janet
  • the incredible fine arts center at notre dame and the stupendous film class that i sat in on (oh gcc communications department - i can't wait to improve you)
  • waking up each morning . . . no responsbilities, no class, no hurrying
  • the mississippi river (don't you just love spelling mississippi? m i s s i s s i p p i)
  • easter egg hunt (with prize total of $48)
  • easter morning (i LOVE easter)
  • time with families
  • joel picking a grad school . . . and that grad school being georgia tech
  • loooooong (and wonderful) drive from illinois to ohio
  • birthday shopping with mrs. boerckel
  • mom getting her haircut to match mine

this list could get long. and it's not much fun reading a few word synopsis of someone else's memories, is it?

we're back from break. time for monica to 1) get a job 2) get an apartment 3) graduate from college.

life moves quickly. it feels like yesterday that i was in nyc working at roundabout. will life always travel at this pace? will it finally slow down when i'm done with school? or a decade from now, will i be remembering with fondness the last month of my college career, and having the same feeling - that it was just a moment ago . . .

anyone else feeling the bittersweetness of these last few weeks???

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

when God fearin' women get the blues

a few weekends ago, my future roommate and I decided to spend some quality time together. at grove city, that means head to the SAC and wait for someone to do something crazy. after a few hours of uneventful sitting, we headed back to my room and did maybe the best thing that's ever been done on a friday night: we wrote our very own teenage angst story, ala chicken soup for the teenage soul. we took turns writing paragraphs (or when i was lazy, i would write a sentence and hand it back to jennifer) and what resulted is a masterpiece in any critic's eyes.

instead of writing a blog about how i can't wait one more minute till break or why i am very glad that joel is finishing his last grad school visit (or at least his last visit without me) or how i am busily preparing for my life in nyc (let's face it, none of those are interesting for you to read or me to write) . . . i bring you our story. love it. hate it. whatever. we're submitting it and making a name for ourselves. theatre development? law school? please. we're serious writers. see for yourself . . .

tragedy strikes at the aquarium
when i woke up that morning, i envisioned a day like any other. when i cried myself to sleep that night, i knew my life had been changed forever. yes. yes indeed. when i broke up with my boyfriend of three months in front of the shark tank, it was a pain that my fourteen year old heart had never known before.
i didn't see it coming. from my young innocent eyes, he was everything i'd ever dreamed a pre-pubescent boyfriend would be. we ate lunch together, often on the same side of the table. sometimes, we'd manage to touch our sweaty hands on the way to class. he bought me a candy bar once. i figured it'd only be weekes before we'd get really serious: i mean, come on. he sent me carnations during the spanish club's valentine's day fundraiser, and nothing says that i plan to ask for your father's blessing in pursuing a marriage-minded dating relationship like three pink carnations tied together with a curling ribbon. impending true love, right? WRONG. wrong, wrong, wrong.
things started to go downhill when i saw him talking to emily after home ec last tuesday. i better explain who emily is. she's every pimple-faced, greasy haired, awkward bodied fourteen year old girls' nightmare. emily never had pimples. her hair always looks clean. she moved out of her training bra model ages before any of us even knew what that fabric was supposed to cover.
anyways, i saw them talking. later, i tried to ask zach (that's my boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend) about it. our conversation went like this. i was like, "so, emily . . ." and he was all, "yeah, she's really cool, isn't she?" i was like, "whore! get away from my boyfriend and stop trying to make him think you're cool." except i only said that in my mind. actually, i tried to say it out loud, but it came out, "ah, huh . . yeah . . mrrr." but he knew. zach's perceptive like that, which is why i totally loved him and that that he would make such a good courtship partner, because he gets me. he knew. it was obvious that i was driven insane with jealousy. things just got awkward, right up until the fateful day of the shark tank heartbreak.
i thought it would be the day when everything would go back to the way it used to be. we'd forget about emily and her whoring ways. who knows - we might even sneak a kiss behind the display on goldfish inbreeding. but none of that happened. instead, when we were in front of the kissing fish tank, he looked deep into my eyes, and i could tell something big was going to happen and my stomach started flipping and my heart was just like racing like i ran seven miles or something and i had a premonition that all of my hopes and dreams for taking our relationship to the next level were going to come true!!!
he sighed romantically and said, "emily, do you know you're beautiful?"
i felt like he had punched me in the stomach and spit in my hair and told everyone about the time i got my period in homeroom - all at once. yes, all of those bad things combined could not have been worse than hearing him call me that ho-bag name on accident. he knew what he had done as soon as the words were out of his mouth, but by then it was too late. i ran, sobbing, to the shark tank.
he followed, sheepishly. i said, "zach, how could you do that? i've never once called you 'brad,' even though i've thought he was the hottest guy to live since nick carter. how would you like that, huh?"
he didn't even cry. he's so strong like that. he turned to me and said, with that fearless look in his eyes, "i was gonna do this next week, but i guess now is as good a time as any."
my heart pounded. was he going to propose?
"i think we should break up."
AAIIIEEEEEAAAIIIAIIAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is the sound my soul made. i stomped out. i went home. i called him eleven times. his mom told me that it was too late to keep calling. i know for sure (for sure, for sure - just like i know that emily will get an STD before we get to tenth grade) that i will win him back. someday. you need hope, because without hope, you are all hopeless and dead inside. so i keep hoping and keep smiling, even though i have gone through more pain in one day than most people endure in their whole lives.
the end.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

come a little closer baby

this morning i woke up and literally, the first thought that went through my head was the lines of the "twitting" from cagebirds.

Lord, forgive us our decisions. don't hold them against us. cross them out. blot them out. i'll take it back, i won't do it again . . . but that means another decision, and i never make decisions.
no idea why this came to me, especially at that time of day. but i do love that play. and i do love that character.
i find myself strangely out of place on campus these days. there is talk in the air of what productions craig and dixon will choose next year. what theme homecoming will display all over campus. and i as i begin to contribute to the conversation, i realize that it has nothing to do with me. i won't be in a production next year. i won't run homecoming. i'm beginning to be less and less a part of life here. and i think that's good. there needs to be a time of transition. the question is, am i ready for that transition?
i'm beginning to have what i call "career ADD." every day i wake up with a new idea of what i could do with my life. (and by "life," i mean the next 3 months. that's all i can handle right now.) within the past 24 hours alone, i've considered: real estate agent, gallery assistant, development associate, retail manager, college admissions counselor. WHO AM I? the monica that i know is focused and driven towards one singular goal. this new monica is a bit scary and intimidating, even for me.
God has a plan. God has a plan. God has a plan. but i really really wish that He would just let me have a peek at it.