Monday, April 17, 2006

live like you were dyin'

i am back from break.

to recap:

highlights include:
  • water exercise class led by joel's mom (where she kept introducing me as his "classmate" until i told her that i was really quite comfortable being his girlfriend)
  • grandma maureen at my house for a surprise easter visit
  • double date with joel's grandpa and his girlfriend janet
  • the incredible fine arts center at notre dame and the stupendous film class that i sat in on (oh gcc communications department - i can't wait to improve you)
  • waking up each morning . . . no responsbilities, no class, no hurrying
  • the mississippi river (don't you just love spelling mississippi? m i s s i s s i p p i)
  • easter egg hunt (with prize total of $48)
  • easter morning (i LOVE easter)
  • time with families
  • joel picking a grad school . . . and that grad school being georgia tech
  • loooooong (and wonderful) drive from illinois to ohio
  • birthday shopping with mrs. boerckel
  • mom getting her haircut to match mine

this list could get long. and it's not much fun reading a few word synopsis of someone else's memories, is it?

we're back from break. time for monica to 1) get a job 2) get an apartment 3) graduate from college.

life moves quickly. it feels like yesterday that i was in nyc working at roundabout. will life always travel at this pace? will it finally slow down when i'm done with school? or a decade from now, will i be remembering with fondness the last month of my college career, and having the same feeling - that it was just a moment ago . . .

anyone else feeling the bittersweetness of these last few weeks???


Blogger Jen said...

uh yeah. i can't believe we're almost done. doesn't it seriously seem like yesterday when i arrived in good ole north 160 during the worst day of my life? little did i know how much joy my roommmate would bring me :-)

these 4 years have been sweet as all get out...i'm getting teary just thinking about it. *sniff* i love you mon!

oh, and yeah - we should have a "i need a job" party.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Trey said...

passes by pretty quick. But then again, I feel like I've been in New York forever. (until I go to new parts of the city, and I feel like a total tourist).

Did you hear back from Lamb's? I know they called my contacts, but I haven't heard from them...

1:51 PM  
Blogger Rainey said...

Good choice of Georgia Tech. My cousin went there and he got to work on a few of the Olympic buildings during that time. I thought that was pretty sweet. Also, yeah you'll probably feel like it was just yesterday anytime you think back to school. I still forget that certain people I graduated with aren't going to be there when I visit. When I visit it seems like I should be hitting the books at any moment. It's strange. I miss it. :-(

7:18 PM  
Blogger laura said...

your post really hit home. that's exactly how i've been feeling (complete with the search for the ever-elusive jobs). and forget feeling like last summer was yesterday. i, for one, feel like just yesterday i was sitting in the 4th grade thinking how cool the year 2000 sounded and that it would take an eternity to get to it.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the irony of this post is too much.


9:39 PM  

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