Monday, December 05, 2005

lucky for you, tonight i'm just me

has anyone ever heard the song, "lucky for you" by sheDaisy? its a spoof on the "multiple personalities" that men often claim women bring to relationships.

tonight, allan and i "officially verified" the truth of that statement. in fact, we took it a step further and added that people do this, not just in relationships, but life in general. and for those of you who have already dismissed this theory on the basis, "maybe you monica. i'm totally secure in who i am and bring the same persona to each and every situation," hear me out a little.

there are several monica's you may have met. maybe you know one, maybe you've had the crazy experience of meeting/knowing multiple monicas, but i assure you, they do exist.

here's a small sampling:
professional career driven monica
passionate director monica
late at night giggly monica
very nervous/awkward/insecure around any member of the male species monica
trying to be confident, yet still nervous monica
committed to loving all women monica
good listener monica
outgoing/excited/talking far too quickly monica
dance party in room when no one else in there monica
introverted monica
trying hard to impress/being witty monica

the list goes on and on. and frankly, i'm not sure this idea is entirely wrong or bad. there are certainly situations in life that call for different aspects of yourself to be brought forward while others are pushed to the back. it wouldn't be wise to have the same behavior at a sleepover as i do in an interview.

[note: this is allan's brilliant part of the theory] i guess the dilemna comes into play when you are using different ethics in each situation. when you have such an incredibly diverse group of personas, that you are actually a different person. if i would lie to get a job, but would be appalled at lying to my friends, then there's a conflict. if i would curse like a sailor around my best friends, but certainly never when i'm being "impressive" monica, then there's an issue.

still, despite all that, part of my envies those who seem to be "exactly who they are" in each and every circumstance. this may make the world call them crazy or even reckless, but i find it bold and daring. and if anyone reading this happens to be that person, then i say, good for you! i admire you and your genuine sense of self.

i may have to write a completely separate blog entry right now about the other theory allan and i perfected tonight. we'll see how inspired i am.


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