Wednesday, January 11, 2006

to grandma's house we go

sunday night, i did something i should have done long ago.

i visited miss jensue consoli in her pittsburgh residence (read: home).

and it was delightful.

there was time spent watching the steeler's game (where i learned about some sort of line that only shows up on the TV but not on the real field . . . what?), shopping with jen (she bought TWO skirts . . . and picked both out herself . . . as the world as i knew it was crumbling around me), and a viewing of remember the titans with a sort of play-by-play with jen's dad. all around, a delightful experience. but i said that already.

edit: i just wrote a VERY long and involved story about my experience on gcc campus on monday evening. sadly, i am such a goody-two shoes that i feel guilty in even repeating the story on my blog. which is sad in so many ways: 1. you'll miss out on the story 2. i don't need to feel any guilt about the situation because the moral of the whole thing is that gcc can be ridiculous, very unnecessarily.

i so desperately want to be rebellious. at least once. but no matter how i try, my conscience seems to strike with a vengeance. i think it may be time for me to accept that i'm just a good girl at heart and that's all there is to it.

i promise a more exciting post in the future. especially since sean is getting his tonsils out on thursday, which means daddy + daughter time while mom goes to take care of the big brother. perhaps another "monica and her adoration for her dad" story is in your future . . .


Blogger Jen said...

oh my gosh i want to know the story!!!! (read: call me later and you can tell me then and not feel guilty!)

10:03 AM  
Blogger James said...

did you break intervis?

10:44 AM  
Blogger Rainey said...

oh man, you cannot just tell us something happened and then not say what it is! Haha. Man, the next time I see you, I will demand the story.

3:44 PM  
Blogger -K- said...

mon mon!! did you do something naughty?!


6:15 PM  

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